martedì 23 settembre 2014

Macelleria Mobile di Mezzanotte "NYLON CRIMES " - available on 09/25/2014 !

Macelleria Mobile di Mezzanotte "Nylon Crimes"
featuring yours truly P.NG5361.B ...
copies being assembled right now by the label !

The new "MACELLERIA MOBILE DI MEZZANOTTE : Nylon Crimes" album has arrived at the OEC headquarters and they are now numbering and assembling the albums ...
 the official release date was fixed on September 25 and they will start shipping on September 26....
Some copies are still available at a special pre-order price until September 25...after that date, if any copy is left, price will increase ....
 go here to order your own copy >>>…/macelleria-mobile-di-mezzano…
you can contact OEC also directly  on FB to fix your order,
or directly at OEC's e-mail mailorder(@)