Gen, we owe you a creative freedom we didn't think possible.
We owe you the spit right in the face of silence and the bashing of music in favour of pure power.
We owe you our meeting, most of our plans, a lot of our researches.
We admired you, followed you, left you, found you again, met you, laughed with you and for a while shared ourselves with TOPY..... so many times, endless together .... from Hackney to everywhere, including breakfast in Wroclaw and the last time in Heaven!
We looked for 23 and found it everywhere, where it belongs. We've been "Unclean" and walked on waters as you let us discover that everyone can do it. We did it. So, thanks a lot Genesis. Really. For everything. You changed many people lives. Ours for sure. We'll meet again somewhere between 19 and 23.
Eraldo Bernocchi & Paolo L. Bandera / SIGILLUM S