domenica 25 dicembre 2016

P.NG5361.B's VERTIGO OF LISTS : best records of 2016 - 10 to 1

1. DAVID BOWIE ”Blackstar” (ISO)

2. BORIS WITH MERZBOW ”Gensho” (Relapse)

3. KING CRIMSON “Radical Action…” (DGM)

4. NICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDS “Skeleton Tree” (NC)

5. SWANS “The Glowing Man” (Mute)

6. LUSTMORD “Dark Matter” (Touch)

7. MAJA S. K. RATKJE “Crepuscular Hour” (Rune Grammofon)

8. BRIAN ENO “The Ship” (Warp)

9. PETER BROTZMANN & HEATHER LEIGH “Ears Are Filled With Wonder” (Not Two / Trost)

10. PUCE MARY “The Spiral” LP (Posh Isolation)

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