sabato 8 dicembre 2012

P.NG5361.B.'s VERTIGO OF LISTS: TOP RECORDS OF 2012 - 10 to 1

1. SWANS “The Seer” (Young God)

2. X-TG “Desertshore / Final Report” (Industrial)

3. LOCRIAN & MAMIFFER “Bless them that curse you” (Land of Decay / Utech/SIGE / Profound Lore)

4. ANATOMY OF HABIT “AoH EP” (Bloodlust!)

5. PATTI SMITH “Banga” (Columbia)

6. MY CAT IS AN ALIEN "Alienarcaica" (Opax)

7. PIG DESTROYER “Book Burner” (Relapse)

8. MYRNINEREST “Jhonn, uttered Babylon” (Coptic Cat)

9. KTL “V” (Editions Mego)

10. JOZEF VAN WISSEM & JIM JARMUSH “Concerning the entrance into Eternity” (Important)

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